Apollo Console 2.0 Part 1 (Getting Started)
Watch as UA's Technical Marketing Guru, Gannon Kashiwa, shows you how to get up-and-running with Apollo and Apollo 16's new Console 2.0 Application.
— Miles Stiler
Origins of the Teletronix LA-3A
Learn the history of the Teletronix LA-3A compressor and how it differs from its predecessors, the UA 1176 and LA-2A.
How to Record Vocals
In this article, learn essential techniques for capturing professional vocals and how Apollo interfaces and UAD plug-ins can lift your vocal recordings to new heights.
Wie man ein Audio Interface auswählt
Bei der Auswahl eines Audio Interfaces gibt es eine Menge zu beachten. Hier sind drei einfache Fragen, die Dir helfen, das perfekte Interface für Deine Bedürfnisse zu finden.