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Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection


81-100 von 933 Ergebnisse

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m. lane

7. November 2023

Great but..

its awesome and everything but gives some kind of color sound a bit but yeah this one is probably specific one and should be used on instruments that need color or warmth.


30. Oktober 2023

Wonderful sound!

Love this, simply great and natural sounding for recording! Amazing!


30. Oktober 2023

Wonderful sound!

Love this, simply great and natural sounding for recording! Amazing!

T. Poe

26. Oktober 2023

Truthfully… you need this if you want a professional studio setup

Are you a solo artist just starting out and want to know if this is the secret sauce? It might be, but I’d steer you towards the 1073 style color options first. This is a different color and if the 1073 isn’t your thing - this is a really nice alternative and widely applicable across various instruments and vocals

J. Romero

25. Oktober 2023

¡Great Sound!

A must-have complement for the music producer.

M. Schisler

17. Oktober 2023

Sounds great

Like most everything UAD, this sounds great with very little effort. And when you run it thru a battery of technical tests it confirms on graphs the same high quality already heard by the ears.

G. N

17. Oktober 2023

Fairchild Tube

Awesome plugins, the analog world on my laptop!

T. Valosek

17. Oktober 2023

Malý zázrak

Zatím ještě objevuji všechny možnosti, ale už teď jsem nadšený :)

G. Corben

16. Oktober 2023

I have 5 other Fairchilds but only use this one

Have a whole bunch of these, one of them is very good, but this one is awesome, plus like most of the other plugins comes with a lesser modelled bonus in this case the mono 660.
I hate the iLok but this review is for the plugins themselves and these are fantastic

N. Jeremic

16. Oktober 2023

Vintage vibes FTW!!!

I love it on my orchestral bus, also great on percussion.
660 version is great for solo stringed instruments, and mono bass synths.

D. Vazquez

16. Oktober 2023

A must have!

Great product, fell in love with the sound and it doesn't disappoint. Gives that instant color with vintage vibes. Love it!!

R. Studio

15. Oktober 2023

Muy buen compresor

perfecto compresor

T. Kottis

15. Oktober 2023




15. Oktober 2023

Incredible Additions to Anyone's Collection

The Fairchild Tube Limiter is an amazing emulator of the hardware, already highly renowned in the music industry. These plugins with their full mono/stereo features makes them seem a bit better than the hardware. The ability to mix between wet and dry signals is also a plus, as well as the ability to link the left/right channels. I know this is not something new, but certainly nice to have. The results of this incredible plugin speak for themselves. Ever tried pricing the actual hardware versions? Combined with the pure quality of these plugins, the price is just a very special bonus.

J. Hallstrom

12. Oktober 2023

UA Fairchild

The Fairchild 660 and 670 operate in a much more realistic and natural way, to my tastes, than other emulations. I really enjoy how they work and the finished results I’m getting. I hope that UA will bring the rest of their catalog as well to native platforms: I’ll happily snap them up.


12. Oktober 2023


Je n'ai pa s de quoi le comparer vraiment mais j'aime le grain qu'il apporte.

T. Don

12. Oktober 2023

Power & Color Full

It's really a nice Plugin even when u don't set up, it make a nice warm color on the the channel

M. Rafael

12. Oktober 2023

670 or 660 reasons why you should buy the Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection.

Reason No. 660 - Smooth response at a controlled pace.
Reason NO. 670 - Clibration to fit any instance.

Now I fell in love with this compressor back in the day (not that far back) when I got another companies version of the Fairchild, this made everything sound MASSIVE (T Rex big), but there was a layer of mud I didn't like once I got the hang of mixing. Also, without that added calibration control, I could never get that needle to move ( I thought I needed a doctorate) That being said (like spoken word) this version of that tube compressor from Universal (not the film studio) Audio is actually the best rendition I have used to date.

A. Borges

11. Oktober 2023

Plugin incrível

Plugin com sonoridade incrível
muito bom!!!

M. Ramalho Neto

11. Oktober 2023


Excelente compressor, uso ele na compressão Paralela de voz, uso na Baterias,e deixa som com a aquele toque aveludado

81-100 von 933 Ergebnisse