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ENGL® Amplifier Plug-In Bundle


561-580 von 592 Ergebnisse

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A. Sain

18. September 2013


Anyone who has ever mic'd guitar cabs in the studio knows there is a huge difference between what you hear standing next to a cab and what you hear in the control room. In my opinion, this is the first amp emulation software to accurately capture the control room sound. I am thrilled beyond words!

The presets are great but you can really dial in anything you want from pristine clean to face-melting drive. I assumed I would have a difficult time getting a clean "boutique" combo sound or even a general crunch for modern-country but not so. Within five minutes of downloading it I was saving a preset I made.

Bonus: the delay is the real deal - capable of "bucket" delays that degrade beautifully.

If you're on the fence - get off. Buy it.

S. Towns

17. September 2013

Bx tuner... A bit slow...

Hi, i usually LOVE everything UAD do but on this occasion, I'm a bit dissapointed. The tuner looks great but it is just too slow to use in my opinion. It simply does not react fast enough for you to tune coherently...

Very frustrating to use.

A real shame as I could really see it being useful.

C. Young

15. September 2013

ENGL® E765 RT Plug-In

This plug-in to my mind, moves the bar significantly higher and closer to the ability to not differentiate between a "real" amp and a simulation.
Rich, creamy tone and a responsiveness that "feels" like an amp, particularly in the attack.

C. Papastephanou

15. September 2013

Great product

This plug-in is great, easy to use and very accurate. I use it to tune my analog synths. Perfect !

L. Herve

13. September 2013

Very fine and usefull !!

Very useful before recording, no need another software or plug-in and it works very fine with a good precision.

F. Jacob

13. September 2013

No great Tuner!

In general terms, I'm a total fan of UA. Recently, UA gave me a $25 coupon for answering a survey. So with that, I got the Tuner. Couldn't be cheaper for me, for sure! As a guitar player, it's convenient to have a tuner in the console's inserts. I was expecting something of great ease of use and and accuracy, a standard of AU. What can I say? It's OK, but nothing really appealing. My iphone App, Cleartune, or my little $8 Snark Tuner(on sale at sweetwater!) are handier to use. More guitar friendly.
Bottom line: can't beat the price when bought with a coupon. But a bit disapointing from our favorite plug ins designer.

I. Izhaki

9. September 2013

Stunning Clean & Crunch sounds!

My Buffer size is 1024 & I'm recording a guitar with no latency!!!! set an 1176 just before the ENGL and turn the Apollo gain Knob a bit gives it a nice saturated feel.
Thanks UA! it's a dream come true :)

B. Hoener

9. September 2013

Re-Ampers Delight!!!

Well, Last night I had the pleasure to Re-Amp with this Bad Boy! We track with 2 Mic'd
Cabs for our guitarist as well as a Dry track (Via Direct box) for each of them. Well I just put an Engl E646 VS on one and a Softube Marshall on the other and went to town.
What a Plethora of great guitar tones.
Thanks again UA, You Guys Rock!

D. Dipietro

6. September 2013

Has it's spot

I'm not a heavy overdrive guy so I dial back the gain and it's a very usable guitar box. The presets are useless to me, not even a decent starting point- but that's for my tastes.
I tend to favor Soft tube vintage collection in general but having one more amp style to pick from doesn't hurt. Like most binary amps they just don't get the life that exists in the mid tones right. That doesn't mean they don't have their place. For many projects the ease of use out weighs the tonal superiority of the real deal. Especially for non-guitar based tunes.

B. Hoener

5. September 2013

Especially Nice Getting Loud?????

I think thats what ENGL must stand for cause this thing ROCKS!!!!!
Once again, Thumbs up to UA and Brainworx for a great effort!!!

J. Capers

5. September 2013

works great!

I use it for my guitar every time. It is 100% accurate.

C. Laurent

5. September 2013

Il fait son travail !!! Superbe !!!

Très bon Plugin, il fait bien sont travail, précis et juste,
Pour le prix ça vaut le coup de l'avoir sous la main.
Merci UAD

J. Daly

5. September 2013

Excellent sound, buggy interface at the moment.

I love the tones I can get with this, messing with the signal chains is key to getting the sound I want to hear from this. It makes a massive change to the sound depending on the mic cab combinations used. The major problem at the moment for me is that channel switching seems to take a very long time, and in protools causes a cpu spike that kills the music. I can't really buy this till the bugs are ironed out, also it will be a lot more useful for live or even in the studio when the amp controls can be assigned to a midi foot controller via the console, rather than having to use the amp inside of a host.

K. Kurek

3. September 2013

Looking forward to an update

I was glad you decided to do powered instruments such as the ENGL. I bought the high gain amp. The gain is pretty decent, but I have to agree with most of the reviews here. I was rather underwhelmed by the lack of presence and bite. I have to get most of the controls cranked and bass turned down to get anywhere near some crispness. The single cabinet doesn't help since the controls aren't that effective. More tonal diversity and effectiveness from the EQ would be nice. But one way or another, just get that bite in there as it should be. I bought another Brainworkx amp before, and was similarly not so impressed: but I had hoped something made for UAD for be better. So far, my best amp plugins remain the free ones like "Lepou".

B. Hoener

3. September 2013

Apollo users Dream come true!!!

Well, I actually went and read the manual. I found out with the Apollo you could use your own Pre-Amp into the ENGL Power amp, or Use the ENGL Pre-Amp into your own Power Amp! How Freaking cool is that?? I'm gonna keep writing positive reviews of these Amps until the 5 Stars are where they belong!!!

B. Hoener

1. September 2013

Lets set the record straight!!!

Sheesh, when I look at the other reviews and see one star clicked off it really ticks me off. This amp is Freaking Awesome and so is the other Engl amp. I think what others are comparing to are Amp sims that sound only like the amp. What they fail to realize is this is the Amp, Mic and recording chain into your DAW of choice, with the ability to have it auto toggle between recording chains while your song is playing so you can find the best Tone for the particular song your working with. If you want however to just sound like the other Amp sims out there, you can, it just takes a little tweaking!!!
If you use amplitube or some other Amp Sim your just going to end up tweaking the other way around to make it fit your recording.
Happy Nooding

M. Popovic

29. August 2013

Brainworx bx tuner

Its doing what I ask for...great and simple.,,, can´t be batter

T. Liljegren

29. August 2013

This one ROCKS!

Oh yeah! Very meaty and analogue. The distorted sound is GREAT. The clean sound more tricky to handle. But it's sooooo much better playing feeling in this one compared to the lousy softtube (vintage). A must-buy for guitarists. Thanx UA and ENGL!

D. Kallmeyer

28. August 2013

Brainworx bx_tuner

It's a tuner, it works well, very precise, decent for detail work (intonation settings on guitars for example).
It does nothing more than most freeware, although better than some (not all).
Bought it to stay within the platform, however...
this should really be free.
Not general freeware, but the cost of getting into the system should cover it.
This is not something that takes the in depth modeling the rest of the line does...

J. Hall

28. August 2013

Handy tuner if you have an Apollo

At last I'm able to tune an instrument whenever I want. I have the bx-tuner live on all 4 inputs of my Apollo which is set up: Elec gtr thru the softube amp on input1, bass gtr oninput2, vocal mic on input 3 and ac gtr mic on input4. There's always something that will pick up my guitar although the meter ballistics are very touchy. I wouldn't possibly use it in Logic Pro X as, like the other UAD plugins, it would require me to run at a huge buffer rate and cast me back to the 90s when DAWs were slow and clunky. While firewire is the only way for an Apollo to work with a Mac Pro the UAD platform is just impractical for in-DAW plugins in commercial environments. Hopefully thunderbolt, when it arrives will allow us to use 128 or 64buffers.

561-580 von 592 Ergebnisse