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Hitsville Reverb Chambers


1-20 von 112 Ergebnisse

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G. Jamsek

3. Oktober 2024

Great sound and vibe!

This reverb is great for giving the song a certain vibe that you can’t get with other reverbs. For me it’s like another color on my palette. I was afraid that it would be similar to Capitol, but it’s very different. Sits well in the mix.
Very nice!!!

T. Sallai

24. September 2024

Inspiring atmosphere

I love the old sound, and it's very usable in mixes!

R. Catania

13. Juli 2024

A great one

I already have tons of reverbs, but this one has its own place.

D. Bassal

12. Juli 2024

Nothing to write home about...

Bought it, don't know why, really, used it once - to justify the money spent, probably - was nice but very plain vanilla, completely forgot about it until today, with the UAD mail asking for a review (which they certainly won't publish, they feed only on naive praise). Time to think of something new, boys: the nostalgia vein is completely exhausted.

T. Kouassi

24. Juni 2024

Love the vibe

Amazing Reverb. Love it

s. ayton

10. Juni 2024

Nice vibe

Great historical piece and insight into the foundation of verb. Easy to do this with many other plugs but such a nice thing to use. Really like this but has very limited use personally cos I’m not often asked to get a Motown sound but will use it for music education.

B. Yong

2. Juni 2024

Sensational and sublime!

I love Capitol chambers and this is another exceptional release. There is just something special using these which isnt surprising given what they are modelled on plus the native version is so useful when I am not plugged in to my X6. Top work UAD

B. Spence

15. Februar 2024

Motown Sound

Nice reverb good complement to Capital Chambers reverb, doesn’t have quite the depth of Capital chambers but still has an “Air” to it. Use on Guitaring backing parts.

M. Rukavina

24. Januar 2024


Super plug-in jedoch gibt es wenige, bis gar keine ausführlichen Videos zu wo grundsätzlich erklärt wird wie es eingesetzt werden kann und wie genau es funktioniert.
Somit tut man sich als Anfänger ein wenig schwer mit dem plug-in zu arbeiten.
Würde mich auf jeden Fall freuen wenn jemand ein genaues Video dazu macht!

C. Panetta

18. Januar 2024

Unique and Inspiring

I love the Hitsville Reverb for Boom Bap Hip Hop songs. I am not one to use 50 reverbs, 20 choruses, 14 delays, 18 compressors and 9 eqs in a mix. Get a few good plugs, learn how to bus, keep it simple, everything becomes cohesive and harmonizes better together. I use this as I unique verb, for an ENTIRE TRACK. Minus percussive elements like hats. Yeah, I throw Bass in the same reverb bus as snares, kicks, vocals, keys, strings. Eq the send signal of different elements, keeps it all from getting obtrusive and distractive. This plugin creates feeling that is unmatched. It has it's own eq settings as well, I use that section more for a tone. My signals are usually balnced by send volumes, and eq group prior to hitting it, just sound magnificent.

H. Bouetard

15. Januar 2024

Good Lord!

I'm a big fan of the Motown's productions but this plugin is much more than
piece of nostalgia, it's a fantastic flexible reverb with a huge personality.
Love it!

n. else

15. Januar 2024

Hitsville Reverb Chambers

Excellent Reverb. I have yet to use this properly as I bought it along with Sound City and Capital. Another excellent UAD product

A. Stahl

13. Januar 2024

Wow. Just, WOW!!!!

I get cold chills listening to vocals through this plugin. It’s easily my favorite reverb. It’s truly magic.

r. dieffenbach

13. Januar 2024

Love it - my new favorite reverb

I tried the demo and fell in love with this reverb. It's not for every vocal, but when you want an expansive sound, look no further.

J. Bjoersvik

28. Dezember 2023


A fantastic plugin

D. Louisin

16. Dezember 2023

Classic and beautiful !

I have long waited for this kind of tool to work in the box! not only is it efficient because of its functionality, but it is also available in vst! which allows to work in the box on all the buses! bravo the Uad team!
ps: I also have the eqs hitsville and I will not fail to make a return!
Bravo! D.Louisin from @produceinthebox_fr

M. Koprak

8. Dezember 2023

Great reverb for vibe and indie

Great reverb for vibe and indie Music

C. Brown

27. November 2023

More Reverb Please

Just like cowbell, you can never have enough reverb and this one is absolutely worth adding to your tool kit.

F. Mandaza

27. September 2023

Wonderful Plugin

This is a really good all round plugin especially for R&B, Soul and Reggae music.

l. lizhe

5. September 2023

One of my favorites

Very good reverb, if you want classic room sound, don't miss it

1-20 von 112 Ergebnisse

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