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Apollo Twin X


561-580 von 917 Ergebnisse

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S. Fritsch

6. Dezember 2020

Great Interface

Good work flow ..great sound

J. Domingos

5. Dezember 2020

Driver MacOS Big Sur

Bei dem Image und Qualität was dieses Unternehmen hat, wundere ich mich echt, warum es immer so lange dauert bis die Geräte mit den neuesten Betriebssystemen vom Apple kompatibel sind.

P. Günsberg

5. Dezember 2020

no plug and ply!

the apollo Twin X should work as plug & play, also without the plugins. Now I bought the twin x and it doesn't work. I understand that the plugins don't work under Big Sur, but the hardware work! I spend a lot of money and can't use it. Thats worst customer service. Nowhere its described, that the hardware doesn't work. Very disappointing!

G. Lucifora

2. Dezember 2020

Driver MacOS Big Sur

Still waiting for driver for using the Apollo Twin X on MacOS Big Sur....

G. Lucifora

2. Dezember 2020

Driver MacOS Big Sur

Still waiting for driver for using the Apollo Twin X on MacOS Big Sur....

K. Socasau

2. Dezember 2020

The Best interface

This is a superb, magical and musical interface that interacts with us the same way as analog gear back in the day, it' awesome, i love mine, use it everyday in the studio !

L. Miller

1. Dezember 2020

At Your Finger Tips !

When you've got the Beast, like the Apollo Twin X at your finger tips.
You want to experience all that it has to offer.Trust me! So I'll pass on to you, something that a great guitarist friend ( John Drew,Of the J.D Project ) told me.Even though you may think you understand the Unit.Take your time and experience some of the Tutorials that UA has provided for you on the Beast.By doing so You'll have even more confidence in creating projects in the Beast. Peace & Love What you do.Take Your Time.

R. Pillay

1. Dezember 2020

Buy it Now!

I can only comment coming from an Audient ID22/ID14.
While I liked the audio from my ID22 the build quality and the support has been shocking from my viewpoint. A 49pence component brought this device to a halt and it lay in a box for two years.
Spoke to Tim May at Absolute and his advice was the best I have received in a very long time. It was outside my budget but he said I would not regret it.
I do not!
It is logical and a dream to use and the audio and plugins a amazing so far.
Don't spend two and three hundred.
Spend the difference and smile!

R. Michaels

29. November 2020


Love this thing. If the quad is in your budget, I’d recommend that. I’m planning on getting a satellite later on to expand my DSP. It’s a lot of fun just dialing in my vocal with the unison slots.

M. Pomaz

27. November 2020

Apollo Twin X - i Love You!

After purchasing Apollo Twin X, it became much more convenient to work! Control of parameters is close by, everything is in its place I think Apollo Twin X is the best sound card, there is no other one anymore! Price? Yes, not cheap, but quality and convenience are paramount. Thanks to Universal Audio for positive impressions every day!

I. Jang

25. November 2020


Speechlless ... What can I say??? It Great!!

I. Jang

25. November 2020


Speechlless ... What can I say??? It Great!!

I. Jang

25. November 2020


I Found best Interface for My mac!!
And Unison preamps Is the best ever!!

I. Jang

25. November 2020


Speechlless ... What can I say??? It Great!!

T. Pizziolo

24. November 2020

Next level

I never pulled off a vocal chain I was truly happy with until I got my Apollo Twin Duo, every review I read before purchasing mine advised on getting the quad and I wish I had listened! UAD plugins are among the best I've ever used and I'm only left wishing I had more DSP for mixing. If you've only got something comparable to a Focusrite Scarlett, this is going to change the way you make music and it surely has done that for me. Since getting my Apollo my productivity has snowballed and it continues to do so. Get it, get it, get it, you won't regret it. A must for bedroom artists.

L. Miller

24. November 2020


I was in the market for a new interface.And i came across The beast!
The money was available, and i knew it was time to stop buying these make due interface's.My producing skills have grown over the past 10 years.But my tracks where setting on some BS. Well I'm all in on the ApolloTwin,Cant wait! Thank you UA

J. Miettinen

23. November 2020

Riktiga grejer!

Jag är chockad över hur väl denna apparat får ''soundet'' att bli till det man vill.
Överlägsen i sin klass med råge. Lätt hanterligt och kul att få spela in ''på riktigt'' så att säga. Stor bravur.


22. November 2020

Excellent produit, très bonnevqualité audio !

Meilleure interface audio que je n'ai jamais utilisé !

La conception et l'approche du produit son très réussis sur tous les points :

- latence : absolument aucune latence à l'enregistrement : c'est le premier point que je recherchais et j'avoue que je suis bluffé (j'ai eu des interfaces MOTU et autre dans le passé mais toujours avec une légère latence). Le concept UAUDIO fait qu'on a aucune latence.

- simplicité d'utilisation : on arrive à rapidement enregistrer avec un excellente qualité, le produit est très intuitif. ON peut ensuite approfondir les détails en lisant la doc.

- robustesse : grande qualité de fabrication (boitier metal en all brossé, pas de ventilateurs pour éviter les bruits parasites....). On voit clairement que tout a été pensé.

- qualité des preamps et convertisseur fait qu'on a tout de suite un son très clair et bien défini dans tout le registre

- concept des plugins et insert "Unisson" très puissant

- plugins UAD-2 : excellente collection de plugins (même si l'acquisition des plugins représente un budget). Mais la qualité est là

Je suis tellement content de ce produit que je suis passé à l'Apollo X4
Le produit correspond largement a mes attentes et les depasse meme.

Connexion en thunderbolt 3 sur Mac avec Logic

m. Mortensen

19. November 2020

Multiple legendary u its in one!

Even tho it isnt The real thing in terms of plugins vs hardware, its close enough! Unless you want to spend a whole lot of money, you just get an apollo interfaces and get to work... on The quick quick!

C. Warner

16. November 2020

So much power for one person to hold!

I love my new Apollo Twin X. So powerful. So sleek.

561-580 von 917 Ergebnisse