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Großer Studio Sound, überall

Universal Audio hat Volt 476 für Kollaborateure entwickelt — von Bands und Produzenten bis hin zu Livestreamern und Content Creators — die größere Projekte mit großem Studiosound aufnehmen möchten. Schließ es einfach an Deinen Mac, PC, iPad oder iPhone an und Volt erscheint direkt und ist bereit, Deine Produktionen mit legendärem Sound aufzunehmen, in unnachahmlicher Universal Audio Qualität.

Professionelle Musikproduktionen, Livestreams und Podcasts auf Mac, PC, iPad und iPhone erstellen

Deine Vocals oder Gitarre mit albumreifem Sound im Vintage Mic Preamp Mode aufnehmen

Vocals, Instrumenten und anderen Quellen Klarheit und Punch verleihen mit einem analogen Kompressor, der auf UAs renommiertem 1176 basiert

Mit einer essentiellen Suite von Audio- und Musiksoftware produzieren, darunter Ableton, Melodyne, UJAMs Virtual Drummer, Marshall, Ampeg und weiteren

Produziere mit erstklassiger Audioqualität

Produziere mit erstklassiger Audioqualität

Das Team, welches das wegweisende Apollo-Interface entwickelt hat, liefert mit dem Volt 476 eine überragende Studio-Soundqualität mit mehr Charakter und Klang als jedes andere USB Interface in seiner Klasse.

Fang legendäre Vocals ein mit dem Vintage Mic Preamp Mode

Fang legendäre Vocals ein mit dem Vintage Mic Preamp Mode

Es gibt nur wenige Sounds, die sich mit einem Vintage-Röhrenvorverstärker 610 von Universal Audio messen können, mit dem jeder, von Ray Charles bis Van Halen, aufgenommen wurde. Das Volt 476 liefert den satten, vollen Klang dieses legendären UA-Vorverstärkers, dank seiner eingebauten Röhrenemulationsschaltung, exklusiv bei UA.

Kontrolliere Lautstärkespitzen mit UA Compression

Kontrolliere Lautstärkespitzen mit UA Compression

Erhalte albumreifen Punch und Präsenz mit dem integrierten 76 Compressor des Volt 476 — eine innovative analoge Schaltung, die von UAs renommiertem 1176 Limiting Amplifier inspiriert wurde. Der 76 Compressor bietet drei perfekt abgestimmte Presets, um Stimmen, Gitarren, Synthesizer und Drumcomputer zu zähmen. Einfach einstecken, eine Einstellung wählen und spielen.

Easy In, Easy Out

Easy In, Easy Out

Das Volt 476 liefert Dir einfache 4-in/4-out-Audioanschlüsse. Schließ einfach Deine Mikrofone, Gitarren oder Synthesizer auf der Vorderseite an. Anschließend dann Deine Lautsprecher oder Kopfhörer, um Dein Audiomaterial ohne Latenz abzuhören. Mit Volt kannst Du wie ein Profi produzieren, blitzschnell.

Bleib inspiriert mit einer kuratierten Suite von Audio Software

Einige Audio Interfaces kommen mit einem Sammelsurium an beliebigen Audio-Apps. Aber nicht Volt. Stattdessen haben wir ein Bundle aus ernsthaften Musikproduktions-Tools, virtuellen Instrumenten und Plug-ins von den Besten der Branche zusammengestellt.

See Included Software ›

iPad & iPhone Ready

iPad & iPhone Ready

Mit leichtem Gepäck unterwegs? Schließe Volt 476 an Dein iPad oder iPhone an und schon kannst Du ganz einfach Beats und Samples erstellen, die Proben Deiner Band aufnehmen und Songs überall bearbeiten.*

Inspiration für die kommenden Jahre einfangen

Inspiration für die kommenden Jahre einfangen

Mit seiner robusten Metallkonstruktion, den Retro-Holzseiten und dem schlanken Industriedesign wertet Volt 476 Deine Produktionsstätte mit Stil auf, gebaut um jahrzehntelang zu halten.

Inspiration kommt schnell. Schau Dir die Videos an.

      *Erfordert ein externes Volt Netzteil und einen Apple Lightning-auf-USB-Kameraadapter (außer iPads mit USB-C).

      Included Software for Mac & PC

      Offering a powerful DAW, vintage guitar and bass amps, industry-leading virtual instruments, and much more, Volt gives you everything you need to start producing music, podcasts, and livestreams, right out of the box.

      • Marshall Plexi Classic Amplifier
      • Ableton Live Lite
      • Melodyne Essential
      • Ampeg® SVT-VR Classic Bass Amp
      • LX480 Essentials
      • Virtual Drummer DEEP
      • Virtual Bassist DANDY
      • LABS
      Marshall Plexi Classic Amp Bundle by Softube

      Marshall Plexi Classic Amp Bundle by Softube

      Create with an expertly modeled version of the iconic British amp that invented the sound of rock. Plus, shape your tones further with the included Softube Time & Tone Bundle, featuring additional reverb, delay, compression, and saturation plug-ins.

      Ableton Live Lite

      Ableton Live Lite

      Packed with all the effects, instruments, and features you need to make professional music productions, Live is fast, fluid, and flexible software for music creation and performance.

      Melodyne Essential by Celemony

      Melodyne Essential by Celemony

      Easily correct the pitch of recordings and samples with quick, intelligent note-based processing, and tune vocal and instrument tracks for more professional-sounding recordings and mixes.

      Ampeg<sup>®</sup> SVT-VR Classic Bass Bundle by Plugin Alliance

      Ampeg® SVT-VR Classic Bass Bundle by Plugin Alliance

      Get all the massive, earth-shaking tube tone of Ampeg’s iconic bass amp. Plus, use the bx_tuner for quick tuning and the powerful bx_masterdesk plug‑in to add the final touch to any source.

      LX480 Essentials by Relab Development

      LX480 Essentials by Relab Development

      Add lush dimension and ambience with Relab's expert model of this classic '80s digital reverb unit. You can also add complex delay and modulation textures for space and movement to your tracks.

      Virtual Drummer DEEP by UJAM

      Virtual Drummer DEEP by UJAM

      From classic soul and funk rhythms of the ‘60s and ‘70s to contemporary pop and rock styles, DEEP sports UJAM’s dynamic "round-robin" algorithm, giving you drum tracks that sound like the real thing.

      Virtual Bassist DANDY by UJAM

      Virtual Bassist DANDY by UJAM

      Get classic flatwound bass sounds for soul, pop, blues, and rock tracks with UJAM's custom-made DSP algorithms. DANDY automatically follows the key and chord you play, intelligently selecting musical bass articulations to make your tracks shine.

      LABS by Spitfire Audio

      LABS by Spitfire Audio

      Delivering on-the-spot inspiration for music productions, soundtracks, and podcasts, LABS is a curated virtual instrument library that features strings, pianos, percussion, synths, guitars, and more.

      Key Features

      ● Desktop 4-Eingang/4-Ausgänge, USB Audio Interface mit erstklassiger 24-Bit/192-kHz Audiowandlung für Mac, PC, iPad und iPhone
      ● Vintage Mic Preamp-Modus, um Deine Vocals oder Gitarre mit dem satten, vollen Sound eines klassischen UA-Röhrenvorverstärkers aufzunehmen
      ● Der 76 Compressor verleiht Vocals, Instrumenten und anderen Klangquellen Klarheit und Punch mit einer analogen Schaltung, die auf UAs renommiertem 1176 basiert
      ● Essentielle Suite von Audio- und Musiksoftware von Ableton, Melodyne, UJAMs Virtual Drummer, Marshall, Ampeg und weiteren
      ● Kopfhörerverstärker in Studioqualität für lautes, klares Monitoring
      ● 48V Phantomspeisung für Kondensatormikrofone
      ● Direct Monitoring für latenzfreie Aufnahmen
      ● Stylische, robuste Konstruktion, gebaut, um jahrelangem Gebrauch standzuhalten
      ● 1-in/1-out MIDI-Anschlüsse
      ● USB-C-zu-USB-A-Kabel im Lieferumfang enthalten
      ● 5VDC Netzteil im Lieferumfang enthalten

      To see full system requirements, click here.


      Volt 476



      C. Chavis

      4. Juli 2024

      No driver

      Company holds their customer hostage after spending hundreds of $ and forcing them to install unwanted trash just to be able to use what was paid for. I don't want to install your connect software, I don't want you to install pace ilok, I don't want your stupid plugins, I don't want you to force me to accept EULAs for software that I have no plan on ever using just to get a copy of the driver for the hardware that I purchased.

      Just give me the hardware driver and go away. Never again. Next interface will not be UA.

      h. Romagny

      30. Mai 2024

      Rassuré sur les drivers Windows

      Oui , j'avoue j'avais un peu d'inquiétude à propos de l'intégration sous Windows , de nombreux avis faisant état de problèmes d'installation ou d'utilisation . Pour moi , sous Windows 11 pro tout se passe bien et l'installation a été très simple et rapide , je n'ai pas de soucis avec le son dans aucune application . Ma configuration est pourtant un peu "hybride" puisque la carte est intégrée à l'interface Maschine Mk3 de Native Instruments ce qui n'était pas forcément gagné d'avance . la compatibilité entre les deux hardwares est parfaite sur mon PC qui est pourtant seulement un Intel core I3 ( 3.60 Ggh ) avec 16 GO de RAM . J'arrive à descendre l'Asio jusqu'à 64 samples sur les petits projets avec une latence vraiment faible sans craquements ou coupures pour le moment ! La différence avec la carte intégrée de la Mk3 est énorme à tous les points de vue et ce n'est pourtant pas une mauvaise carte en soit ( dans ma config précédente elle était épaulée par une vieille édirol FA101 pas si obsolète que ça en firewire ) . mais là respect à UAD pour cette Volt 476 , selon moi un produit très bien conçu et positionné . Je connais un peu les Apollo Twin , pour avoir enregistré avec quelques fois , et je me demandais comment la marque pourrait évoluer vers une gamme un brin moins "pro" en conservant les qualités qui ont fait sa réputation . Alors bien sur il y a des compromis , des préamps sans doute un rien moins classieux des choix orientés budget qui pourront énerver certains utilisateurs ! Oui on aurait aimé une gestion du routage logicielle et Hard plus complète des entrées sorties ADAT en plus , une seconde prise casque aussi mais franchement c'est globalement bien fait et le son est très étonnant globalement . Le reproche le plus sérieux que je lui fait en fait concerne le niveau de sortie général sous Windows plutôt un brin faible avec les vus mètres de sorties dèjà dans le rouge mais je ne suis pas sur que mes câbles de sorties soient bien cablés en symétriques il faut que je vérifie ça avant d'en être sur ! Dans le même ordre d'idée la progressivité du gros potard de sortie semble un rien étrange et pas franchement réussie . Pour le reste c'est carton plein avec les préamps très efficaces et qui rappellent vraiment leurs ainés analogiques purs , tant en terme de son que de réactivité au volume d'enregistrement . les trois options compresseur et le mode vintage sont très intéressants notamment sur guitares et basses . je n'ai pas encore testé les prises de voix mais je pense que ça va être de bon niveau vu le son des prises guitares que j'ai déjà réalisées ! Pour le moment que du bonheur pour moi , bravo .

      D. Swanö

      27. Mai 2024

      Nice Volt

      My first "out-of-the-box" audio interface. Been using UAD plugins for many years and i find them excellent. The Volt is even better than i expected. Low lantency and great overall performance. Nice look and feel too. Great stuff!

      D. Swanö

      27. Mai 2024

      Nice Volt

      My first "out-of-the-box" audio interface. Been using UAD plugins for many years and i find them excellent. The Volt is even better than i expected. Low lantency and great overall performance. Nice look and feel too. Great stuff!

      D. Swanö

      27. Mai 2024

      Nice Volt

      My first "out-of-the-box" audio interface. Been using UAD plugins for many years and i find them excellent. The Volt is even better than i expected. Low lantency and great overall performance. Nice look and feel too. Great stuff!


      16. Mai 2024

      Excellent Interface

      Build quality is nice and sturdy. The sound quality is exceptional. I am very, very pleased with this purchase. Using it for home recordings. The signals were clean ion both mics and guitar and bass. I haven't figured out how the midi works with my daw yet but hopefully no issues there. Again, very pleased with the volt interface. Go UA!

      I. Bouziotis

      12. April 2024

      Trying to find a defect.

      Top quality - top performance . I have tried two more competitors at the same price range . This is the best by far. And the support is superior! Thank you !

      d. parrott

      11. April 2024

      my review after using.

      My main gripe is the humm that is there when the in is engaged.Even when the compressor is off.

      J. Miller

      15. Februar 2024

      Excellent Interface!

      Love this piece of gear!

      E. Corominas

      3. Februar 2024

      Issue with audio quality Volt 476

      From the moment I began using the product, specifically testing it on both a laptop and a desktop computer, I noticed an unusual issue with the headphone and monitor outputs. The sound produced is not up to the expected quality. To elaborate, I have compared it with an older, lower-quality audio interface and the built-in audio outputs of computers. Additionally, I've had friends and family listen to it, and we all agree that the audio output from the Volt 476 is subpar. The bass is weak, individual elements are not well-defined, there's a lack of clarity, and the stereo image seems to be lacking as well. Essentially, it sounds as if the audio is compressed.

      While I am not an audio expert, this perception has been consistent among myself, my friends, and family over the past two weeks. I don't know if this could be an issue with drivers or if there might be a specific fault with this particular Volt unit but i couldn't find any customer support to ask.

      h. clift

      25. Januar 2024

      Volt 476

      What a stunning, beautiful piece of hardware. The ease of use is an added bonus to the amazing tonal quality of the Volt 476. Sadly, this interface did not play well with my PC system. After months of troubleshooting, PC system optimization, I was unable to successfully track without digital artifacts. My retailer even swapped out my unit for a newer one and although the artifacts were greatly reduced, they were not completely gone. My friend has the same interface but uses a Mac based system without any issue. I'm truly heartbroken that I can not use this unit. PC users, beware.

      C. Fellows

      22. Januar 2024


      Great Product. Great Company. Getting all the free plugins from Spitfire Audio was the icing on the cake.

      J. Wilson

      19. Januar 2024

      product came broken

      Product was defective and i asked for a return which is now being "inspected" by thonam before giving me another one and its been a month i payed for it and still got nothing.


      L. Pelchat

      18. Januar 2024

      Almost good, but with too many Issues

      I’ve had this interface for roughly a year and have used it in a countless amount of circumstances. Overall, this is close to being a very good interface but it’s issues may not be worth the price.

      - Excellent sounding DI for instruments like bass and guitar, possibly class leading
      - built in compressor really handy when using with apps such as zoom or discord where digital routing is not feasible or easy

      - discrepancies between preamp gain levels and noise levels on each mic pre and compressor. Quality control issues make this a no-go for stereo recording
      - ‘device activation’ required for the hardware is pretty ridiculous. I run this in a shared space and we are all unfortunately having to constantly deactivate/reactivate the serial number on the interface. The hassle has moved us to other interfaces and in my opinion is an unacceptable business practice on UA’s part.
      - Headphone amp is lacklustre and probably the worst of any interface I’ve tried. It lacks a lot of detail and my MacBook pro’s high impedance headphone out is substantially better to the point of avoiding the interface altogether.
      - Compressor has way too much noise. It’s supposed to be modelled after and 1176, but is not within the range of signal to noise quality. This is fine with 1-2 instruments, but the noise stacks up quickly and becomes unbearable at higher levels. Nice to have analog hardware but usability isn’t really there for professional recordings.
      - volume and preamp pots are already scratchy after a year

      Overall seems great on paper but there are more reliable interfaces at a lower cost, or ones with much better feature sets just above

      A. Malys

      5. Januar 2024

      Excellent interface - Volt 476

      Only had it a couple of weeks but I can say so far it is a rock solid interface. Built very well and easy on the eyes as well, it is compact but not too compact. The 76 compressors on board are quite nice as well. Also love that the interface is found by your computer in a hot second everytime which is not something I can say about alot of other interfaces. Would love to see a bit better curated software bundle included but that does not make or break this deal at this price. I would also point out that UA should put LUNA in the bundle for those customers that do not know about it. It is a rock solid professional DAW that will make analog console fans rejoice! All in all an exceptional little interface especially so at its price point!

      PS - UA, please build an I/O expander companion box for this interface (say 8 IN and 8 OUT analog and a digital in and out)

      J. Nash

      14. Dezember 2023

      Super useful but noisy monitor pot.

      Great bit of kit, really handy for quick capture. The 76 circuitry sounds pretty good, too. My only gripe is that the monitor pot (the big knob) is noise, i.e., you can hear crackling through the monitors when you turn it up and down.

      J. Douglass

      8. November 2023

      Excellent travel/portable interface

      Really fantastic, I've used tons of USB interfaces over the years and this is easily the best travel/portable interface I've used.

      B. Abel

      27. Oktober 2023

      Good price & quality

      Good price & quality

      O. AHmed

      16. September 2023

      Game changing Interface, Volt 476

      An interface that provides max volume for studio reference headphones like DT 770 is amazing, the whole thing in general is epic.. Coming from a 100$ interface, Volt 476 has affected my mix in a really good way, I hear things way better than ever.. An overall epic interface!

      m. van der zwan

      11. September 2023

      Nice hardware but at 2nd hand no plugins provided.

      Nice hardware. Low latency. No complaints there. Bought 2nd hand. Unfortunately no free plugins provided when i regitered this device. Buy more hardware on the 2nd hand market and this is the first time i get no software that is normally included in the package.