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  • 4.3/5
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Regulärer Preis: $199.00


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Füge Deinem Mix klassische verträumte Effekte hinzu.

Waterfall Rotary Speaker liefert die atemberaubenden Sounds des klassischen Leslie 147 Rotary Speaker Cabinets* und hüllt Deine Gitarren, Vocals, Keyboards und vieles mehr in saftige, dreidimensionale Modulationseffekte — die weit über Chorus und Flanger hinausgehen— und für klassische Texturen sorgen, wie sie auf vielen legendären Alben zu hören sind.

Enthaltene Versionen

UAD Nativ
Läuft auf Deinem Mac oder PC ohne UA-Hardware.

System-Anforderungen: UAD Native Plug-ins laufen sowohl auf macOS 10.15 Catalina oder neuer als auch auf Windows 10 und 11. Schau auf unsere UA-Support-Seite für Systemanforderungen.

  • Erlebe die reichhaltige, dreidimensionale Textur eines Vintage Leslie 147 Rotary Speaker Cabinets
  • Erziele "albumreife" Sounds mit perfekt platzierten Vintage Mikrofon Setups
  • Füge Röhren-Klangfarbe und Obertöne mit meisterhaft gemodelter Röhren-Endstufen-Sättigung hinzu
  • Erziele im Handumdrehen einzigartige Sounds mit sorgfältig erstellten Presets für Vocals, Gitarren, Keyboards, Schlagzeug und mehr

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Nutze dieses Plug - in 14 Tage lang kostenlos und finde heraus, ob es das Richtige für Dich ist.

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Hör’s Dir an

Erlebe eindringliche Rotary Speaker Sounds

Erlebe eindringliche Rotary Speaker Sounds

Nur Waterfall Rotary liefert Dir die dreidimensionale Bewegung und den vollen Tonumfang des legendären "Type 147" Rotary Speaker Cabinets, eingefangen in seiner ganzen Pracht mit professionell platzierten Vintage-Mikrofon-Setups, wie man sie seit Jahrzehnten auf Rock-, R&B-, Soul- und Funk-Platten hört.

Füge den Klang einer klassischen Röhrenendstufe hinzu

Füge den Klang einer klassischen Röhrenendstufe hinzu

Die Röhrenendstufe des Typ 147 ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil seines fetten Sounds, und Waterfall Rotary fängt dies vollständig ein und verleiht Deinen Tracks die reichhaltigen Sound und Obertöne, die anderen Emulationen von Rotary-Lautsprechern fehlen — für einen unübertroffenen Realismus.

Erhalte verblüffende Effekte im Handumdrehen mit Presets

Erhalte verblüffende Effekte im Handumdrehen mit Presets

Waterfall Rotary bietet Dir die besten Leslie-Effekte, die es je in einem Plug-in gab, mit maßgeschneiderten Presets für Vocals, Gitarre, Bass, Keyboards und mehr. Platziere es einfach auf einem Insert- oder Aux-Kanal und mixe mit legendären Effekten, die in tausenden von Hits verwendet werden.

UAD Quick Tips
UAD Quick Tips

UAD Quick Tips

Erfahre, wie Waterfall Rotary Deinen Produktionen satte, wirbelnde Farben verleiht.

*Alle Marken und Markennamen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Besitzer und werden nur verwendet, um die Instrumente darzustellen, die als Teil der Waterfall Rotary Speaker Software gemodelt wurden.


Waterfall Rotary Speaker



D. Richer

28. Juni 2024

Only native...

Super disappointing that there is only a Native version. It's an effect that should be available on Apollo.

J. Skjerven

26. Juni 2024


In session. Client ask me for a rotary/leslie plugin. I remember this, but can't find it in my Apollo plugin list. I update with the new software to see if it's added. Spend 20 minutes on it, but there is no plugin. Find out that it is not for the Apollo. UA made another dick surge move. They want me to have two parallell system for the plugins and made this only native. Why? I am not going buy and download a separate plugin and separate software.

O. Amberg

26. Juni 2024

A creative weapon

It's definitely not a one-trick pony. It's also a great addition to your guitar or vocal tracks.

M. Ballarani

22. Juni 2024

great rotary emulation

as a hammond player, I found this plugin great for studio recording, when it's not possible to have a real leslie.
it obviously sounds very good with real hammond organ, but it makes digital clonewheels sonding better too.

N. White

9. Juni 2024

Great effect!

I love this plugin it adds great texture on any instrument!

D. Flowers

5. Juni 2024


I’ve used an actual Leslie for my guitar for years. These days I don’t have the strength to haul it around anymore. Now I have a plugin that does a good job for my recording… really happy.

C. Macarone

28. Mai 2024

Apollo wish list

Wonderful plug I need this as a unison slot choice… please!

I. Jacobsen

27. Mai 2024

Come alive

This makes all the difference. Quite surprising to hear how this rotary makes a lot of sense and beefs up a lot of different sources! I enjoy it on guitars and backing vocals!

a. cristofalo

24. Mai 2024

excellent for keys

its amazing, im very happy with it

M. Thigpen

17. Mai 2024

This plug-in is great

I love the sound of this Rotary Cabinet. After years as a church organist and trying a plethora of Leslie emulators, this plug-in really is the next best thing to a Leslie cabinet. The adjustable parameters are great, but it is ready to go immediately after down load. I'm using the plugin with a Roland VR-09.

D. Gardell

14. Mai 2024

Have to agree with the rest

Love the sound - but no Apollo version is just two thumbs down.

G. Bujdoso

13. Mai 2024

Great, not only on organs....

Besides that it performs the classic leslie speaker effect the most realisticly I have ever heard from a plugin, it also does a miracle with the bass (or any other instument) if you are in need of saturation or distortion by using the drive knob. Recommended.

M. Vikman

13. Mai 2024

Sounds good

Hello friends!
I don`t have much to tell you yet,becauser I bought Rotary Speaker for my future
projects.I just liked Rotarys sound very much,just what I would need as a guitarrist..

K. Pöykkö

9. Mai 2024

movement and width

It sounds great on many instruments. I use it specially on electric guitars.

S. Lienau

7. Mai 2024

Great for adding movement and stereowidth

I use it as a sound design tool to enhance any sound sources by using it as a send FX. Sounds great on hihats.

A. Lind

7. Mai 2024

Best Leslie emulation by far

I've used many Leslie emulations and some
Are quite good but this is at a whole different level! Of course the mechanical sounds are novel but they can be turned off . The overall effect is a close as you'll get to a real mic'ed leslie. I pretty just use the presets and there hasn't been a time I really needed much customization. Great on guitar too!! I look forward to experimenting on other sources

A. Lind

7. Mai 2024

Best Leslie emulation by far

I've used many Leslie emulations and some
Are quite good but this is at a whole different level! Of course the mechanical sounds are novel but they can be turned off . The overall effect is a close as you'll get to a real mic'ed leslie. I pretty just use the presets and there hasn't been a time I really needed much customization. Great on guitar too!! I look forward to experimenting on other sources

D. Clarke

6. Mai 2024


It works well for me as a previous owner of the Leslie's 122, 125, 147rv and the big 900 models.
I think this Waterfall Rotary Speaker is a pretty good emulation of the Leslie hardware cabinets.

J. Walton

5. Mai 2024

Sounds amazing.

Dude, this plug in sounds amazing on guitar. This is my go to for overdrive/distortion.

C. Alexander

4. Mai 2024

Beautiful sounds

I love the sounds from the ad and thought it will be a great addition to my