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Flawless modern vocals with analog soul.

Topline Vocal Suite gives you all the tools you need to easily record and mix flawless professional vocals in any genre, from hip hop to pop to R&B.

Topline Vocal Suite is the only plug-in of its kind — perfectly marrying modern vocal tuning with best in class UAD analog studio effects. So you get everything you need to create perfect vocal mixes, effortlessly.

Packed with professional presets, Topline Vocal Suite is like having a seasoned engineer in a classic recording studio, crafting tuned, radio-ready vocals just for you.

Enthaltene Versionen

UAD Nativ
Läuft auf Deinem Mac oder PC ohne UA-Hardware.

System-Anforderungen: UAD Native Plug-ins laufen sowohl auf macOS 10.15 Catalina oder neuer als auch auf Windows 10 und 11. Schau auf unsere UA-Support-Seite für Systemanforderungen.

  • Get an all-in-one vocal chain combining our most popular analog tools with state-of-the-art pitch correction, so your vocals are perfectly in tune
  • Add warmth to your recordings with a UA channel strip, compressor, and EQ inspired by vintage analog gear
  • Use classic reverb, tape delay, and modulation to make your vocals sound like they were recorded in a pro studio
  • Explore professionally-designed presets and a modern, sleek interface to get radio-ready vocal sounds in any genre
  • Quickly identify the key and scale of any song with Topline Key Finder
  • Work in low-latency mode for real time inspiration

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      Effortless Tuning for Any Genre

      Effortless Tuning for Any Genre

      Topline Vocal Suite delivers iconic pitch-perfect tuning. Whether you are looking for subtle transparent correction or ultra-fast tuning for classic modern effects, it's never been so easy to dial in polished modern vocals.

      Record Vocals with Album-Quality Sound

      Record Vocals with Album-Quality Sound

      Give your vocals a true record-ready sound fast with vintage-style mic preamps, tape saturation, studio compressor, stunning reverb, delay and modulation, and easy-to-use EQ — all powered by our world class analog emulation technology.

      Powerful Pitch and Formant Shifting

      Powerful Pitch and Formant Shifting

      Explore creative vocal sounds and layering with independent pitch and formant shifting — so you can dial in the perfect amount of pitch and formant adjustment for record-ready vocal effects.

      Create with Speed and Ease

      Create with Speed and Ease

      Topline Vocal Suite takes the mystery out of pro vocal recording with big, responsive knobs and buttons, a simplified De-esser and Gate, switchable Comp/EQ order, and built-in ducking effects. So you can spend less time tweaking and more time creating.

      Start with 150+ Incredible Presets

      Start with 150+ Incredible Presets

      Get professional-quality vocals in seconds with presets crafted by hit-making engineers like Matt Cohn (The Weeknd, Phoebe Bridgers, SZA) Randy Urbanski (Beyonce, Katy Perry, Kanye West) and Joe Chiccarelli (The Strokes, U2, The White Stripes), bringing their iconic vocal sounds straight to your mix*. With more than 150 presets spanning a range of genres, you’ll get instant results — little or no tweaking required.

      Enable Live Mode to Track in Real Time

      Enable Live Mode to Track in Real Time

      Live mode enables near-real time processing of your vocals, so you can record pro vocals at the speed of inspiration, directly into your DAW.

      3 Steps to Pro Vocals

      Automatically Tune Your Vocals

      Automatically Tune Your Vocals

      Get your vocals pitch-perfect by starting with Topline Vocal Suite’s automatic key detection and pitch-correction for transparent tuning or that signature ‘robotic’ pitch-shifted modern sound.

      Add Sparkle and Polish

      Add Sparkle and Polish

      Next, add classic studio EQ, compression, preamp and tape saturation modules based on UAD analog modeling to your vocals. Tame sibilance, dynamic range and unwanted breaths with simplified controls. Add air with Topline Vocal Suite’s classic "Air" band — imparting clarity and sheen on any vocal without adding harshness.

      Send Vocals Into Orbit

      Send Vocals Into Orbit

      Finally, elevate your vocals with time-based effects that add amazing depth and space. From lush delays to expansive reverbs and modulation, you’ll be able to create a spacious, ethereal presence in any vocal mix.

      *Use of an artist's name does not constitute an official endorsement of Universal Audio products. All trademarks are property of their respective owners.


      Topline Vocal Suite



      P. Heisterkamp

      14. Januar 2025

      Segen und Fluch

      Gerade als Anfänger hilft dieses Plugin einem immens, allerdings ist die CPU Belastung in der DAW so dermaßen hoch, dass es häufig zu abstürzen kommt.

      t. müller

      11. Januar 2025

      es ist top und flop

      ich kann es nicht in der console als plug in benutzen und in der daw ist die cpu belastung sehr hoch mit topline schade

      W. Abdal

      23. November 2024

      Walid sabry

      Very interesting and very easy to work with Toplin vocal suit and very good quality I liked it

      o. koenig

      5. November 2024

      ziemlich cool!

      habs mir als tryout geladen. fands wirklich cool: beschleunigt den workflow schon ziemlich. wie versprochen bekommt man eigentlich immer recht schnell ein (mindestens) brauchbares ergebnis. das klingt alles richtig gut! allerdings kann man das alles (mit einem grösseren aufwand) durchaus mit mehreren, anständigen plugins gut hinbekommen und hat dann erweiterte möglichkeiten.
      wer das geld für den "schnellen mix zwischendurch" investieren will macht sicher keinen fehler. ich werds wieder deinstalieren, weil der preis für mich als goodie zu hoch ist. vielleicht gibts mal ein cooles bundle... dann landets vielleicht im einkaufskorb. ;)

      X. Moreno

      26. Oktober 2024

      Wish there was a DSP version

      This plugin is actually pretty amazing but extremely CPU intensive… I have more than enough DSP for this plug to be compatible but unfortunately it’s only native. If they create it a DSP version I will purchase it… but unfortunately just as a native plug I can not use with my system

      L. Falice

      25. Oktober 2024

      The de esser isn’t de essing.

      Probably the best vocal chain plug-in out here right now; even with the worst de-esser out here right now. Fix it. Leave the eq as is; once you free it, it won’t be great anymore. Restriction is what makes this that good.

      M. Johnston

      18. Oktober 2024

      Good for beginners

      For beginners, I would give this four stars because it’s everything they need to get a decent sounding vocal. but for intermediate to advanced producers, it leaves a lot to be desired. For starters the deesser is weak. This is so strange because you would think Universal Audio would have the best Deeser around given their access to all of the deesser technology from their plug-ins. The other modules are good for the most part, although the EQ section is very restrictive, as it is in all types of plug-ins like this. For the life of me, I don’t understand it. Free the EQ! I’ll tell you what would be truly awesome. if UAD made a plug-in like this as a studio rack like waves has and each module was one of their emulation
      plug-ins. That would be truly awesome. Anyway, I also cannot give this five stars given the price point. This is a $50 plug-in. I don’t know how they are coming up with $200, let alone $400. But evidently, they are targeting a certain audience. overall, it’s a decent product for beginners albeit overpriced

      m. stallings

      13. Oktober 2024

      Streamlined work flow/ great results without getting lost in too many choices

      I'm a serious, ( some would disagree), hobbyist that has switched to UAD LUNA and a lot of their plugins... I love some of these newer plugins that are quick and easy to use...I don't mind creating busses for effects and automating stuff, but since Im mostly doing brit invasion sounding stuff I don't need to be crippled with too many choices....I must say, the ducking feature is going to be a real time saver.....I get the feeling that veteren pro's might not like this, but in my case this plug in keeps me moving before ear fatigue and analysis of paralysis sets in..... My guess is that this will go on sale pretty quick since not many reviews....its pricy, but, this is my main hobby...lol

      S. Riggi

      9. Oktober 2024

      DAMNNNNN !!!! LOVE IT !!!

      Best in the games !!!
      thank you for this time saver !

      G. Spielman

      9. Oktober 2024

      The missing piece.

      This is simply amazing. I don't edit vocals at all, but you can use this thing as an effect on pretty much anything.
      The individual efx sound superb, especially the easy to use delay/reverb section with the ducking is great.
      Keep it up!